Welcome to this special resource to help you establish and deepen your practice.
How it works:
You will be able to customize playlists of guided meditations. Each playlist you create will allow you to pick a talk or transition to get prepared, then techniques to guide you and then longer and longer periods of silence to help you start guiding yourself.
What's behind the scenes:
This resource is called a "web app" and it has taken thousands of hours to build. The talks and guided meditations were recorded over numerous years, organized, edited and need to be managed continuously. On top of that, it costs money to host, maintain and build the catalog and functionality of this app.
The written manual accompanying the audio recordings has also taken many, many hours to write and edit, and is there to support concepts discussed in classes.
Both audio recordings and manual sections are customized to individual users. When you are just starting out, only certain guided meditations and sections of the manual are available. As you continue, more and more is made available.
Since there is so much material, we will try to make sure you do not get overwhelmed and that you emphasize your own practice over memorizing concepts. Meditation is all about practice!
Cost to use this resource:
- You can use it for free during a beginner class and afterwards for about 1 year. After the free year, please make a donation of your choice to keep using it.
- You can use it for free during a continuing group, even if the continuing group goes for years. If you leave a continuing group, you can use it afterwards for about 1 year. After the free year, please make a donation of your choice to keep using it.
- If you are not in a beginner class or continuing group, please make a donation of your choice to use this resource.
Suggested donation: $5 per month. If you can afford more, know that you are supporting someone else who cannot afford this level of donation. You can cancel this donation at any time.
Thank you for supporting this work and enjoy!
Go here: https://meditate---kurt-scholler.bubbleapps.io/version-test/